Thoughts of a Millennial Mom
The one time we fostered...after bringing home baby number 4. I've had better ideas.
Reasons not to vlog...
As a full time employee, with a full household of 4 kids, my husband’s schedule and almost a dog, getting in front of a camera to show the world both my face and my bat cave in a presentable manner, takes a lot of focused energy I don’t think I can muster on a consistent basis.
There will be a billion interruptions from me trying to settle the home team, or having to run to turn off a pot I’ve forgotten. Or to finalize my grocery delivery after the umpteenth review of 4 items I’ve been meaning to restock and 23 others we don’t need (ever), before the decent window of delivery time frame closes, and I’m forced to make the run myself at 6 am after my usual 4 hours of interrupted sleep.
I have an incessant number of random, unrelated YouTube videos to watch, I’m behind on cyber window shopping and there are a plethora of Instagram rabbit holes to fall through. I just don’t have the time to dedicate to any sort of vlog, but maybe it could be fun.